  As the Local Myths began to sell in Gallery Muir, I realized I wanted to continue to evolve the Perennial Dance. The first piece to sell was the Eagle Dancer, an image of the Summer Solstice. So I began thinking about High Summer. Sailing, of course, and those big thunderstorms that come raging through. In the summer of 2003 we had a near escape from a microburst that thrashed across the Bay and up the river, tearing docks loose and riping off tree limbs. We got the Toad as far as Andy Wallentine's dock before the lightening struck around us, and watched the show from the smelt camp office. It was in that same bend of the Cathance that Peggy and I sailed up on a moose in the river some years back. What better thunderer than a raging bull moose? They don't care where they go, as anyone who has tracked a moose through the puckerbrush can attest. They just bull through everything like, well, a thunderstorm. So a winged Moose Dancer with lightening bolts is another emblem of High Summer. A microburst in the bend of the river. As soon as this Moose Dancer took his place in the Gallery, someone came in and said, "Oh, look: it's Pamola." Pamola? They told me Pamola is an old Abnaki mythic figure, half moose, half eagle, who lives on Mount Katadin, and comes down as a thunderstorm. Isn't synchronicity the path to realization?