Lawn Wars: Local Tactics

As soon as we entered the fray, ornaments began disappearing
off our lawn, and new ones would appear there.

A Matter of Taste

We put out a clump of fiddleheads
early one Spring, and it was replaced
with the Land of the Lakes butter girl.

It took a while to figure that out.
"If you've got fiddleheads,
you need some butter."

A Food Joke

That's when I guessed who made it:
Steve and Claudette, who were running the
restaurant. So I made an ornament of Claudette,
jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Stuck it on their lawn.


So I put out a skunk with its tail lifted.
Next thing you know, it's gone,
and there's a big question mark out front.


Later in the year I notice a Featherstone missing
off the Flamingo Wagon (my pickup).
I get this photo in the mail
with the following note.


I refuse to be held up.

At the Quarter Moon

I post this sign in the pub.

Next day Pinky is thrown out on the lawn,
with a bullet hole in his head.

Took me three months to discover
the culpret: Phil the eel fisherman.


And... Gazing Ball Magic

This Summer, when I put my new
gazing ball on the lawn,
the flamingoes began arriving overnight.

Click here for full size image



The way it goes.
Put your artwork on the lawn,
it becomes part of the local scene.