
Imagining magic into an object is a dialogue with your unconscious. You can choose to empower symbols and let them work for you, or you can reject such irrational nonsense, and miss the inner meaning of things. A lucky charm in your pocket can be childsplay or a numinous gate. It's OK to laugh at yourself, too.

I carried these talismans in the Magdalen Islands. On the ice for the seal hunt, in the boat when the seas were deep. They got well rubbed.

This chick has been a harbinger of Spring since 1974.

Peggy wears this dolphin when she travels. To find her way home.

Slow and steady wins the race.

I've made hundreds of pocket creatures over the years. Never signed them. Who wants to rub a trademark? Who knows what name belongs to your talisman? They don't photograph well, so I haven't. Simple tactile objects carrying whatever charge is rubbed into them.

This one was to help Peggy get a frog out of her throat

This one is the spark in the cosmic egg.

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Ritual Objects